Thursday, July 23, 2015

Training!! (July 20, 2015)

Hey Family!
Thanks for another great email! It was so fun to hear all about your week. Thanks for the pictures as well. It was fun to see Emma with her cheer squad, the house, and its crazy that Miles is already home. I am going to complete 6 months in the mission soon and I can't believe it!
Ok about my companion.... I am training!!! Before this transfer a lot of people teased me that I was going to train but I didn't believe it because I only have 5 months. But, when we got to transfers on Tuesday I knew I was going to train before President told me. I just had the feeling. Hna Beatty is also training, and the Latina sister in my group is also training. There are only 3 hermanas in my group and the three of us are training. It's honestly crazy because we have very little time. Hna Guzman is also training.. again. However, this time she is training a Latina so it will be a little easier than training me :) 
So my "daughter" is Hna Ricconi. She is from Argentina. She is 19 years old and just the cutest. The truth is, she already knows a ton. She worked a lot with the missionaries in her home ward, so she has a little bit of an idea of how the mission works. She also loves to dance! She was studying dance before she came on the mission. We are really similar so it has been a really fun week. I just hope I can train her and that I know enough to help her progress. It is scary now because I am in charge of my area. I've always been the younger companion, but now it's up to me to report everything with the elders, make sure we have investigators, and find solutions to everything. Pres Erickson has a lot of faith in me, maybe more than I have in myself. We had a training Friday with the President and all the new missionaries. It was fun because I got to talk with Hna Guzman for a while. I realize now how blessed I was to have her as a trainer. She is a wonderful missionary. It seems like yesterday I was at that exact same training with her. I honestly believe that because of the wonderful training she gave me I am able to be training now. It's crazy that I'm still in my first area and already teaching someone else. Even though my Spanish still isn't great, my goal is to be completely obedient so that Heavenly Father can help my touch the hearts of our investigators though the language of the Spirit. I KNOW this is going to be a transfer where I learn a lot, as well as Hna Ricconi. Spencer, I know you trained Elder Gibby. Any advice on training? 
So for this Saturday... we have 6 baptisms! It's honestly amazing. F and A (the family) and their two sons will be baptized. There are also two youth, C and E who will also be baptized. F is the man that fell last week and hurt his head. He is doing so much better, and after an interview with the Zone leaders on Friday, their family of 4 can be baptized. Each time we meet with A, I am reminded why I am on the mission. She has truly become converted to the church through the Book of Mormon. She tells us each time we meet what she has read, and how she knows this book is true. My testimony of the Book of Mormon has grown so much in these 5 months that I have. I wish I would have studied it more before I left for the mission. Make sure that you guys are reading every day!!! 
I am learning a lot to rely on my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know this transfer I will have to trust him more than I ever have. Because I am still new in the mission myself, my goal is to be obedient so that I can be worthy to receive the help of the Spirit in every lesson. If not, this transfer will almost be impossible. But I know that the Savior knows what we can handle, and President Erickson as well. I am just going to remember all that Hna Guzman taught me because I look up to her a ton. 
Next week is the " week of Peru" so each house has the Peru flag out front and its so fun to see everyone celebrate their country. Hna Carmen (the mom of Gypsy) already planned lunch for us one day next week to be able to try all the traditional food of Peru. I really love this country. The people are so loving. Hna Ricconi told me she was shocked that people on the street actually listen to us. I guess that is not something that happens in Argentina. But I have grown to love contacting people because everyone has a different story to tell. There are some really hard days in the mission, but when I remember why I am here, I can't help but be happy. 
Sorry this letter is a whole bunch of random thoughts, but its kinda been a crazy week. Please pray for our 6 potential baptisms this week, and as well for me :) haha I love you all so much! Thanks for your constant example and love. I am so blessed to have a family that supports me in all I do. 
Much Love!
Hna Vernon 
With a few sisters in the mission. Two of them are my sister trainer leaders and one is a sister in my zone. 

Hna Guzman and Beatty. It was so fun to reconnect with them during cambios 

Last photo with Hna Torrico 

This is my new companion. I am her trainer! Her name is Hna Ricconi and she is from Argentina. Pres Erickson photobombed this picture... 

Gypsy left this week. Her mission is the mission of Hna Ricconi! They were able to meet each other and Hna Ricconi sent a few things with Gypsy to give her family 

The Power of the Holy Ghost (July 13, 2015)

First, I am so glad you got the package! Kayla was so sweet to take it for me. I'm so glad everything made it safe and I hope you like your gifts. I will work on sending another package soon. It was so fun to have the efy group here and it was a tender mercy to be able to send the package with her.
So this was my last week with Hna Torrico. It was a crazy week. The good thing is, we worked really hard. We had another baptism this week! It was the baptism of T.  She is 14 years old. It was a beautiful baptism with a lot of support from the ward. The ward of Independencia never lets me down. They are always there when we need them. We are also working with the sister of T and she will be baptized the 25th of this month. The next step is to get her parents in the font as well! 
Because Hna Torrico leaves tomorrow she had a ton of meetings in the mission offices during the day. So once again Gipsy was my companion. I feel like I am losing two companions this week. She is so prepared though. She teaches me so much when we are together. Her testimony is so strong. She is really nervous to leave her family, but I told her that is normal. However, the Lord will help her family and protect them. 
So last night was a real test not only for my Spanish, but for how well I can react in scary situations. We were visiting T so that Hna Torrico could say goodbye, and our investigator A knocked on the door. She was crying really hard and said that her husband F had fallen and was bleeding very bad. We ran with her to where her husband was to help her. When we found him he was with his two kids and a lot of the neighbors had gathered around. Someone had already called the ambulance and they were arriving to help. However, A and F are very poor and don't have money to go to the hospital. So they bandaged up his head and left. While Hna Torrico was talking to the doctors I was busy trying to call the bishop. The bishop told me he was going to send someone to give F a blessing. Luckily, one of our converts, A, lives very close to A and F. He pulled up in a taxi right at this moment. I explained to him what had happened and he invited F and A and their two kids to stay in his house for a bit and have something to eat. It was such a blessing to have A show up because we didn't have any food to give them and it was really cold. We waited there in the house with them until two other members came to give him a blessing. I am so thankful for the priesthood power. 
So I should explain a little more about A and F. (I think I did a little last week as well). For their job they watch over the cars in their area. They have a home, but it is really high up on the hill and they don't have much there. So they are always out on the street with their kids. We didn't know it before, but they usually don't have food to eat. F has had problems in the past with drinking and recently has been trying to stop. For this his body has been really week. Between trying to overcome this addiction, and not eating, this is when he fainted and hit his head. We went to visit him again this morning and he was doing ok. His face is super swollen and his head is wrapped, but we gave them breakfast and he is going to be alright. I am thankful for the Holy Ghost and the guidance it gave us last night during this experience. Also, I know the Holy Ghost guided A as well. She didn't know where we were, but she had a feeling we were with T. She is a woman of a lot of faith. She is so humble and I feel very blessed to know her. She, her husband, and her two kids will be baptized the 25th of this month as well. 
I don't have a ton of time to write anything else, because I have to go with Hna Torrico to the offices again today. But I will have a big letter next week letting you know all about my new companion. The truth is the transfer has been hard, but I have learned a lot of important lessons. I'm excited to see what this next transfer will bring. 
I loved all the pictures this week! It looks like you guys are having a fun summer. Dad, I liked the story about Grant Taylor. This is a lesson I am learning as well. I love you all so much and miss you like crazy. However, I am also very happy to be here and to be a missionary. The work is hard, but so rewarding. 
Hna Vernon 
T's baptism

Hermana Vernon and Hermana Torrico

Investigators F and A

Pure Love of Christ (July 6, 2015)

Hello family!
What was a great email. It sounds like you guys had a very full week. I hope the 4th of July was fun! Here in Peru it was just another day. However, I did sing the Star Spangled Banner to myself haha.
So for the past two weeks a group of kids from the US have been here in the ward. They are here as an EFY group. Its been really fun because they have attended church here in the ward and have had the chance to get to know the members. They have also done Noche de Hogar with us Monday nights in the members homes. I have had to translate a little as well so that has been a real test to my Spanish. But it's been fun. There is a girl here with the EFY group that is the cousin of Caleb Clark. It was fun to make a connection with someone back home. SO I sent a few things with one of the girls from EFY to give to you guys. She is going to have her family stop by when they are driving home from the airport and give to you. I wrote down your telephone numbers and I believe she will be calling you the end of this week. The kids go home Thursday just so you know. 
I learned a very big lesson this week about the love of Christ. Here in our area there is one hill that is a little more dangerous. We never go there at night just to be cautious. There is a man that is ALWAYS outside when we pass and always greets us. I will be honest I was never very friendly with him because he scared me a little. However, this past week Hna Torrico stopped to talk with them. His name is F and his wifes name is A. They have 4 kids. For his job, he stays outside and watches the cars for people who live in this area. (Its like a big cul de sac with hills). Because of this he is always outside with his wife. They are very humble people. We began to teach them about the importance of prayer and F began to cry. He has dealt with problems with drugs, drinking, and much more. However, he told us he has always felt the love of our Heavenly Father. His wife is wonderful as well. She told us she has listened to a lot of people talk about God, but no one explains it like us. After the lesson they told us they wanted to go to church with us on Sunday. 
Sunday was a crazy day. Hna Torrico had permission this day to visit one of her old areas. So Gipsi once again was my companion. Hna Torrico left at 5 in the morning. Gipsi was so sweet to sacrifice her Sunday (very early). Every Sunday before church, we pick up our investigators to help them attend. There were a ton of people to pick up yesterday! We picked up three young women, F, A, and their two young boys. They all live in the same area so it wasn't too much of a hassle, but I felt like a mother hen as they all followed me to the chapel. Once we got there, there were three more young men that we are teaching who had come with their friend. 10 investigators! I was really nervous at first because Hna Torrico was gone and I had to help all of them find their classes and feel comfortable. But even though I was a little nervous, I was so happy. My testimony of church attendance grows each Sunday. The ward really took in all the investigators and it was beautiful to see them feel welcome. The bishop told me ¨Hna Vernon, Dios esta feliz con su trabajo¨. It was beautiful to see the fruits of the work that Hna Torrico and I had done this week. Hna Torrico got back around 5 pm Sunday and we continued working hard until the end of the day. 
So we are teaching a girl named T. She is 14 years old. She has a date to be baptized this week. After the first lesson we had with her a few weeks back, she asked us when she could be baptized. haha I love this response. She has felt the truth of the gospel and wants to be baptized. It's not because it's something her parents want, or something her friends are doing. Its because she KNOWS the importance of this convenant with God. 
Thank you for the package! I love my scarfs and sweater. Haha I feel a little more like me again. Also thanks for the snacks. Gipsi had never tried peanut butter so that was really fun. She went through the temple on Friday! I am going to miss her a ton. She will be my companion again on Friday when Hna Torrico has a training for all the missionaries that are leaving. 
We also did splits this week with the Sister Trainer Leaders. I went with Hna Toscano to her area. She was Hna Beattys first companion. She is a wonderful missionary. I learned a lot with her. I am so thankful for the leaders that president Erickson gives us to help us grow as missionaries. It was also fun to be in a different area for a day. It made me realize how wonderful Independencia is. I love the people here so much. I'm thankful that I know I will be here for one more transfer at least when Hna Torrico leaves. Independencia is super close to the mission office. It's a very strong stake as well. The people are very humble, but because of this I think they are a little more willing to listen. 
The spanish is coming. Its still nowhere near fluent, but I am studying each day and talking a lot. I know with time and hard work I will continue to improve. 
I love you all so much! I hope you are able to get the few things I sent you. Thanks for updating me on Shawna. I will keep her in my prayers for sure. 
There are really hard days in the mission, but there are always beautiful days as well. I am very thankful to be in the service of our Heavenly Father. 
Hna Vernon

Lunch with the Stake President

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

June 1, 2015

Hello family! 
So it feels like forever since I have been able to write you guys. Also the internet wasn't working this morning so I am writing you now. We already know about transfers. Hermana Guzman has a transfer which means I will be getting a new companion in the morning. AHH my mom is leaving me! I am honestly really scared but also excited for a new adventure. I have learned so much these three months with Hna Guzman and I know her next companion will be very blessed. 
SO a lot has happened in a short amount of time. First, S was baptized! Her baptism was very beautiful. She was the only person that came from her family. But the ward here is very supportive and it was wonderful to have them here to support her. We were worried no one would show up besides us and the elders at her baptism, but we were wrong. The ward truly has become her family and I was so happy to have them help her make this covenant with the Lord. 
So the past p day we had mundial. This is why I wrote you on Saturday. The whole mission got together and we played soccer. I got to see Hna Beatty which was sooo great. It's like seeing someone from my family when I get to see her. She is doing very well and her companion finishes her mission this transfer so she is also getting a new companion. It was super fun to be able to talk in Spanish with her. We haven't seen each other in weeks and being able to see each other really showed our progress in Spanish. The spanish is coming. At this point I can practically understand everything. Talking is getting better too. I have a lot more confidence and finding myself actually wanting to talk haha 
This week we also had the marriage of J and N. They were super nervous and a few days before we thought they might not go through with it. But thanks to the support of the ward once again, they were married Saturday morning! It was a beautiful reception at the mission office and 15 couples were married. They will be baptized this month and right now they are kind of our main focus here in the area. They have a hard time being on time to things (like all of Peru has this problem actually) so getting them to church is a little hard, but we pick them up at their house every Sunday morning and help them. It is so important that investigators can attend church. This is where they have the chance to meet members, learn more, and most importantly partake of the Santa Cena (sacrament) and feel the spirit. My testimony of the importance of church attendance has grown a lot. 
This week was also a big week for the ward of Independencia. Two of the youth received their mission calls. One of them is Gipsi who is pretty much my best friend in the ward here. She is always doing splits with us. She is going to Argentina and the other youth is going to Mexico. Also cool story-one of Hna Guzmans recent converts just got called to be the Young Mens president. He has only been a member for about 5 months. 
Overall I am doing very well and the work here in Independencia is progressing. I have a lot of fear for this next week, but I know if I am obedient and continue working very hard I will see success with my new companion. This next group is huge so the president has said that we have to work harder and be an example for them. 
I loved the videos this week and the email. Sorry the email is a little shorter this week, but I am sending a lot of pictures. 
I love you all so much!
Hna Vernon 

Elder Johnson. He went to AF with me and we graduated together. Little weird to see someone from my life before the mission here in Peru 

Hna Beatty 

Gipsi received her mission call! here we are with the other hermanas and the family of Gipsi. 

Jean Pierre, Narya, and Jose Maria 


Mundial with Hna Guzman 

Samanthas baptism 

May 23, 2015. Early Email

Hello family!
So I know it's Saturday and I'm writing, but it's because this Monday we have something called Mundial. It's when the whole misión gets together and we play soccer. Mostly it's just an excuse to get to see everyone. But due to this, we have to write today. We didn't know until after last P day so don't stress about me not receiving a letter this week.
Anyway, it's been a big week here in Independencia! First off, right after we finish writing we are going to S's baptism. Yes she is getting baptized! We spent a lot of time with her this week and we ended up talking to one of her sisters. Her sister has given her permission to be baptized. Her mom also found out. Her mom doesn't support her, but she is letting her get baptized. S has some great friends in the Ward and I know that is going to help her stay involved after her baptism. If it weren't for this, we would probably have decided to wait a bit longer for her baptism. But anyway, yeah, she is getting baptized today and she is so excited! Our District Leader, Elder Nelson is going to baptize her and don't worry I will send pictures next week :)
This week I have been fighting a terrible cold. Luckily now I am feeling better. That has made it hard to stay super motivated this week because I have had like zero energy. But I found some cold medicine that has really helped. Everyone is getting sick right now because the weather is changing. Some days it's super hot, and other days it's cold. Hna Guzmán has been like my mom making sure I am taking my medicine and keeping warm so my cold doesn't get worse. So don't stress mom. I've got a mom from Bolivia watching over me right now :)
So this week was a hard week, but a good week. All of my leaders here (district leaders, sister trainer leaders, and hna Guzman) have been pushing me every week to contact more people. haha I don't really like contacting, but we have to contact 100 people per week. Hna Guzmán and I have been a little short of the goal the past few weeks. Due to this, my leaders have been giving me goals each day. When Hna Guzmán and I had our companionship invetory this week we talked about ways that I could overcome my fear. We decided that she isn't going to contact at all, and I have to contact our 100 people for my last week of training. We also have been searching for more opportunities to do splits so that I can have more opportunities to teach without her. I will admit this week has been super hard, but it has also been such a good learning experience. I am learning to rely less on Hna Guzmán and feel like I can really contribute. She has also been having me answer all the calls from the district leader. So overall I have been doing a lot more. We are trying to prepare me so when we have transfers, I can really feel like I know what I am doing.
 So we are working with a less active in our área to try to help her get married. She was super active in the church all growing up and then ended up having a child with a man that isn't a member. They have two kids now and she still comes to church quite often. But her husband doesn't want to listen and wont allow for her kids to be baptized. However, she knows that she is breaking one of the commandments not being married to her spouse. She is scared to talk to him about marriage because she knows it's something he doesn't want to do. We have tried to talked to him, but he doesn't listen. So we decided to bring the elders with us this week for a little more priesthood power :) Elder Nelson taught a really good lesson on chastity and we could tell her husband is starting to understand that marriage is something his wife really wants to do. It was really cool to see the spirit work through Elder Nelson and through us to know how to talk to her husband.
I don't have a ton of time to write today due to the baptism. but all is well. I love you guys! Thanks for the quick emails. Hopefully next week my emailing time will be a Little more nomal :)
Hna Vernon

Letter from May 18th, 2015. I ate guinea pig this week.

Hey family! 
So this week was a crazy week. First off, the email is a little late because this morning we took a little trip to Lima Central. I don't remember if I told you, but right now we are working with a family and trying to help them get married and baptized. Their names are J and N. They have a little two year old boy named J who is just the cutest. We contacted about a month back and have been teaching them. They are super hard to get visits because they are busy, but we have been persistent. We visited them last night with our zone leaders to try to encourage them to get married. They have been thinking about it for quite some time and finally agreed to get married. The mission is holding a marriage ceremony on the 29th of this month so we have to go today to write up all their papers and stuff in Lima Central. and guess what.. I'm going to be a witness for their wedding. Haha another thing I never thought I would do. But yeah everything went well this morning and they will be married on the 29th! They will be baptized a few weeks after. I love working with this familly. Hna Guzman and I have talked about how the Lord has been preparing them. They have also had a lot of trials since we have been meeting with them. J lost his job, but they Lord is providing a way so that they can keep His commandments. 
Ok now about S. So She wasn't baptized this week. And it's kind of a long story. Saturday morning she was supposed to be baptized, we passed by her house that morning to make sure she was ready and we find her older sister. She told us that S never returned the night before. We could tell her sister was super worried because S lost her cell phone a few days earlier and no one had heard from her since she left for a party the night before. We spent most the day searching for her. We finally found her at one of her friends house about 3 pm in the afternoon. Long story short-due to the fact that her mom and sister don't know she was going to be baptized, she was really scared and didn't go through with it. She told us she slept through her alarm but we believe that the real problem is she doesn't feel quite ready. Hna Guzman and I talked and we think this might be better, because we were both a little timid about this baptism due to her parents not knowing. So we are going to continue to visit S and hopefully with time we can understand what is best. This week was another reminder that the Lord knows what is best for each and every one of his children. S has a grand testimony, and I know with time she will be baptized. 
This week we had another training with Pres Erickson. I love every chance we get to learn from him. This week he talked about raising our voices (in a good way). We can't be afraid of our own voices. There are many scriptures in the Doctrine and Covenants that talk about sharing the gospel like a trumpet. So after his training, we did practices where president walked around and told us if we were teaching with a loud enough voice. Haha so I am learning how to speak up. President Erickson is very loud ( in a good way though). He is always yelling with love, as he calls it. But he said something very interesting. When we talk louder, when we talk with power, we feel the spirit more. Which is so true. I have been experiencing that this week and it has  made a very big difference. This is a funny story about Pres Erickson and his loud voice. He was doing a training in a different area at a chapel and was talking really loud. I guess the doors of the chapel were open and someone outside heard him speaking. Anyway, the man entered the chapel and stayed the rest of the day to hear the lessons of Pres Erickson. Now he is receiving the missionaries in his area. As missionaries we are sharing the restored gospel-the truth. We can't be afraid to speak with the voice of a trumpet.
So this week I caught the flu. Yay. It's because the weather here is constantly changing. But I'm pushing through and trying my best to take care of myself. Don't worry mom I am taking my vitamins. 
So this week if you guys could pray for N and J that would  be great. They are such a great young family with so much potential, and they really want to do what is right. 
Thank you for another great email. It was fun to get a little paragraph from Sarah. I will be honest, I'm jealous she gets to spend time with you guys, but tell her I say hello. Emma tell Haydn I'm excited for him! I love you guys a ton!
Im still eating a lot of chicken foot. Also I ate guinea pig this week. 
Con mucho amor
Hna Vernon 

Letter from May 11, 2015 "La Hermana de Marte"

Hey family!
It was so so fun to Skype and see you guys this week! I loved seeing all your faces. You all look happy and healthy. I'm sorry the connection wasnt great. But it was really the best we could find. Hna Guzman liked seeing you guys and meetig you. Mom whenever I show a picture of our family, the people always say that you are so young! So just so you know, you have still got it :) haha 
So you guys already know about S, but yeah she is getting baptized this Saturday! Its really hard to see her not have family support, but her testimony is so strong. We actually had a quick lesson with her this morning and she is so ready for baptism. 
Thanks for keeping me updated with what is going on with Grandma Fernie and the family. I'm glad grandma is doing well and I know she truly appreciates all the help she is receiving. 
This week on Thursday we had a special training with President Erickson. It was our zone and three others. President Erickson is very strict, but very loving as well. He talked about how all of our actions start in the mind. In order to be productive missionaries, we have to have a firm mind. If we are doing what we are supposed to, but our mind is back home, or not focused on the work, we are going to have a hard time really having the Spirit with us and the ability to help the people we are in contact with. I really liked this training and Im thankful for a President who can guide the mission. Hermana Erickson also talked with us. Haha she reminds me of a little librarian. But she talked about as a mission, we are a family. We have the responsibility to follow all the guidance and rules the president gives us. We read a lot of scriptures in 1 Nephi about how Nephi was always following the council of his father. This is part of the reason he became so strong in the gospel. As we heed to the guidance of President Erickson, we are going to see the fruits of our labors. After the training, they fed us hot dogs. haha all the gringos were happy, and the Latinos were a little upset. 
So when I was skyping you guys, I dont know if you guys could see, but there was another girl in the room. Her name is G, and she is a member in the ward. She just submitted her mission papers and she is probably one of my best friends here. Her brother was baptized the week before I got here, and we are working on getting her dad active in the church. He was baptized, but doesnt have a testimony. Also, he was a pastor in a different church. SO whenever we teach him he always has a ton of questions. However, Hna Guzman knows her Bible very well. He is now reading the Book of Mormon and is starting to accept the book. Its amazing to see the Spirit work through him. 
Well thats about all I have for this week because I was able to talk to you guys yesterday. But once again, it was sooo good to see you guys and I know I always say this, but thank you for the prayers and support.

Oh one more quick story. So Tuesday night we were at the church helping a family with their family history. They have a young daughter who is about 10. Anyway, I was talking to her, and she told me I talked funny. haha it really didn't bug me at all because I am very use to people commenting on my Spanish. But the funny part of this story is she then continued to tell me that I am "la Hermana de Marte". Which in English this means I am the sister from Mars.

 So "La Hermana de Marte" sends her love! 
This picture makes me laugh because Heather appears to be standing on the wrong side.

This looks better. She is standing with the other Hermanas haha. She said one of the members is a clown and came to their training and told several jokes.